Imagine yourself able to remain calm, clear-headed, stress-free, and positive. Even while handling work and life’s greatest challenges. Imagine what becomes possible for you; in achievement, in peace of mind and wellness, and in your relationships.
Most attempts at positive change fail because we stop at insight and don’t build habits. Sustained change towards a more positive mind requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice. And that’s what my Master Your Mindset Program empowers you to do.
Daily Practice
15 Minutes per day of app-guided practice enables you to establish mental muscles (neural pathways). These exercises are bite-sized to fit your busy schedule and customized based on how you self-sabotage.
Weekly Focus
Weekly videos deliver a deep experiential exploration of the week’s focus. You’ll feel inspired and energized to practice during the week to sustain the benefits experienced during the video sessions.
Measurable Progress
You’ll feel motivated through instant feedback on exactly how much progress you’re making toward building the 3 core muscles of mental fitness. Brain rewiring may be visible in MRI imaging within 8 weeks.
Community Support
Establish a support and accountability group with other program participants. Research has shown this to be a critical success factor for establishing lasting new positive habits of the mind.
6-Week Foundation for a More Positive Mind
You get to build a foundation for a positive mind and increased mental fitness by strengthening three critical mental muscles to shift the balance of power from your inner Saboteurs (your negative self) to your inner Sage (your positive self).
In subsequent weeks, modules in the app then enable you to use those muscles for a variety of work and life applications. You continue to grow.
Is this the right program for me?
This is the right program for you if you are
Committed to improving your performance and effectiveness dramatically while reducing stress
Looking for a science-based and trusted system to make it stick
Willing to put in the initial effort to rewire years of mental habits that don’t serve you
Aren't negative emotions sometimes helpful?
Some people believe that negative emotions are helpful. For example, they think stress gives them their performance edge, or beating themselves or others up is helpful for continual improvement.
Feeling pain for a split second when your hand touches a hot stove is indeed useful, delivering an important alert. But your Saboteurs keep your hand on the hot stove, continuing to feel negative emotions that harm both performance and happiness.
In this program, you'll learn to use negative emotions as a helpful alert, and then quickly shift to the positive region of the brain that has the calm clarity, objectivity, and creativity to handle the challenge most effectively.
Who will lead the Program?
As your dedicated PQ Coach™️, Bouwien (Bo) Luppes will be the facilitator and lead the weekly group coaching sessions, while Shirzad Chamine - founder of Positive Intelligence LLC and mastermind behind the PQ® Program - conducts the weekly video sessions.
Shirzad is the New York Times bestselling author of "Positive Intelligence", translated into 20 languages. He has been CEO of the largest coach training organization in the world and has trained faculty at Stanford and Yale business schools. His PQ® Program is part of Master Your Mindset.
Enroll Today
Imagine yourself able to remain calm, clear-headed, stress-free, and positive. Even while handling work and life’s greatest challenges. Imagine what becomes possible for you; in achievement, in peace of mind and wellness, and in your relationships.
Check out the next dates for Master Your Mindset and enroll! Each cohort is limited to 5 participants. Don't hold off and make a commitment now to boosting your mental fitness!
POSITIVE INTELLIGENCE®, PQ®, and PQ COACH™ are trademarks of Positive Intelligence, LLC. No reproduction, alteration, translation, publication, or distribution, in any form, printed or electronic, is permitted without the express prior written consent of Positive Intelligence, LLC.